Facts and Features of Vervet Monkey

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Genre : Chlorocebus
Scientific Name: Chlorocebus Pygerythrus
Common name : Vervet Monkey
Other name ( s ) : Vervet
Group: Mammal
Number of species: 6
Location : East Africa
Habitat: riverine acacia forests
Color: Green, Gray , Brown, Black , Silver
Skin Type :Fur
Size ( L ) : 47cm - 67cm ( 17.9in - 25.7in )
Weight: 3.6 kg - 5 kg ( 7 lbs - 10 lbs )
Maximum speed : 46kph (30 mph)
Diet: Omnivore
Prey : leaves, fruits , insects,roots,bulbs
Attackers: Leopard , Serval , Crocodile
Lifestyle:Food search in day and rest at night
Group Behavior : Troop
Life Period : 12 - 24 years
Age of sexual maturity : 2 - 5 years
Gestation period: 163 days
Average Litter Size : 1
Young Name : Infant
Weaning age : 8 - 12 months
Preservation Status : Least Concern
Estimated Population : Sustainable
Major Threat:Loss of habitat
Special feature :white ears and black face

Fact: Often found above 400 meters from the trees!

Classification and Evolution of Vervet Monkey

The vervet monkey is a medium to large size species which is mainly found in region of  East Africa.It is believed to be species of Grivet, which is another tree-dwelling African monkey which has characteristics very similar to the Vervet, along with the Malbrouck which is considered to be subspecies of vervet Monkey. These three animals are very closely attached, but they tend to live in groups in different areas and believed to very often come into contact with each other.In today's time there are six sub-species of vervet monkey species usually classified according to their location,but there are some differences in coloration.

Anatomy and Appearance of Vervet Monkey

Vervet Monkey grows to an average height of 48 cm ,with a tail that is usually longer than the body itself and has a black tip.Their skin tends to be gray or olive color ( depending on species ) and is lighter on the bottom.The hands and feet are Vervet Monkey are black , along with it's ears and face that has a white stripe on it and is designed by white cheeks.The vervet has long arms and legs, which are of same length to allow this species to walk on four legs.Males tend to be larger than females and are easily distinguished by their bright blue testicles .

Distribution and Habitat of Vervet Monkey

The Vervet Monkey lives in south of Sahara and is widespread throughout East Africa.Also found in parts of southern and western Africa from Uganda to Ghana, but its location is generally dependent on the subspecies .Vervet Monkey inhabits savanna , forests and jungles , which tend to be near the water , preferring acacia forests that line rivers and lakes.Vervet Monkeys are also found in mountains up to 1,400 feet provided there is an adequate supply of food and water for living.Rarely found in extreme environments such as deserts and rain forests , as these regions do not contain all things needed to live.

Behavior and Lifestyle of  Vervet Monkey

The vervet monkey spends most of  time in the safety of the trees.Despite venturing into the ground in search of food and water,it rarely go beyond 400 meters of trees ,which helps to escape from attackers.They are diurnal animals that spend their days in search of food and then rest at night.The vervet is a very sociable animals that inhabit territories may contain between 10 and 50 people , depending on the location and how wide the food supply is.These troops are composed of adult females and their offspring , males wandering between different troops , both socializing and companion.

Life Cycles of Vervet Monkey 

Generally it is not able to reproduce until they are  five years old, despite their age at sexual maturity is known to vary slightly and may depend on the amount of food they access.After 5 ½ months , females give birth to a baby being cleaned by his mother, and clings to her stomach during the first week or so.Vervet Monkey babies quickly develop strong social bonds with other monkeys and is known to begin to interact and play with them when they are of one month old.They have black hair and pink faces and tend not to develop adult coloration until a few months old.Vervet Monkey babies suck their mother 's milk until they are about four months old and start eating soft vegetables, but they are not completely weaned until they are a year old .

Diet and Prey of Vervet Monkey 

This is an omnivorous animal ,meaning they eat both plant matter and other animals in order to get the nutrition they need to live.The leaves and young shoots are the most diet , along with the bark of trees, flowers and fruits.Vervet Monkeys search for roots,bulbs , seeds and herbs and also known to supplement their diet with insects , eggs , rodents , birds and other animals.Like many other species of monkeys, the Vervet uses it's incredibly skilled hands in order to gather food ,with its long tail help to balance on tree branches.

Attackers and Dangers of Vervet Monkey

The vervet has few attackers ,although it remains in the trees but the largest species of eagle is common fear.On the ground however, there are number of large African attackers ,including felines such as the Leopard ,Serval and Caracal ,also with large reptiles like pythons ,crocodiles near the water.The Vervet Monkey can quickly make a backup safety, and the ability to run at a speed that allows them to try to escape faster.Although vervet generally only make sounds, is known to shout and whistle to alert other members of the troop that they are in danger.

Interesting Facts about Vervet Monkey 

Despite the fact that they tends to reach sexual maturity after several years in the wild, sex tends to occur much earlier at an average age of two years old.They are well adjusted to their surrounding environments , as they can jump and climb well when in the trees and are very fast on the ground as well as being excellent swimmers.Younger women of the troops that are not yet mature ,often show a sweet interest in the offspring of adult females and help with grooming and caring for their young.It is also known that love to keep them , so it's not surprising that social bonds within the troop particularly among relatives , often last for life.

Relationship of  humans with Vervet Monkey

Vervet Monkey has get acquainted urban environments and have replaced expanding their historic habitat , but sometimes are seen as pests.Vervet Monkeys are known to attack the fields, along with the theft of food and other items and are rarely caught by humans because of their speed, both on the ground and trees. Although they have been affected by the increase of human settlements , is also the destruction of their natural ranges mainly for agriculture ,which is compressing their populations.They are also appeared in the islands of West Indies  i.e St. Kitts and Barbados.

Preservation Status of Vervet Monkey

Today, as the species are widely available and found in different habitats ,so it has been listed as least concern to become extinct in near future Although they have adapted well to city life , they are often killed by electricity wires and traffic along with used in medicines and as bushmeat.

Facts and Features of Uguisu

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order : Passeriformes
Family: Cettiidae
Genre : Cettia
Scientific Name: Cettia diphone
Common Name : Uguisu
Other Name ( s ) : Oriental bush warbler ,Japanese Bush -warbler,singing bush warbler
Number of species : 1
Staying Location: Japan, China, Korea
Habitat: Lowland and Mountain Forests
Color: Green, Brown , Green
Skin Type : Feathers
Size ( L ) : 14 cm - 16.5 cm ( 5.5 - 6.5in )
Wingspan: 20cm - 22cm ( 7.9in - 9 inches)
Weight: 18 g - 22 g (0.5 oz - 0.7 oz )
Maximum SPEED : 30kph (18 mph)
Diet: Omnivore
Eating habits : Insects , worms , berries
Attackers: cats , snakes , birds of prey
Lifestyle: Diurnal
Group Behavior : Solitary
Life Period : 2-5 years
Sexual Maturity Age : 10 to 12 months
Gestation period : 2 to 3 weeks
Average Clutch Size : 3
Young name chick
Fledging age: 12-15 days
Preservation Status : Least Concern
Estimated Population Size : Stable
Major Threat: Loss of habitat
Most distinctive feature :Light colored lines on the eyes

Classification and evolution of Uguisu

Uguisu is a small bird species found in Japan ,China and Taiwan ,along with a number of other regions in East.It is also popular as the Japanese Bush - warbler,named due to it's beautiful special song.The Uguisu is more closely attached to other small song birds like nightingales ,Bushtits which are similar in appearance as well, although the Uguisu is slightly larger.Although they do not sing at dark night , as per the fact of it's beautiful song it is popular as Japanese nightingale.In 1830 it was first explained as a documented species by Heinrich von kittlitz.

Appearance and Anatomy of Uguisu

The Uguisu is characterized by it's dull coloration,especially compared to the beauty of  it's singing.They tend to be light brown or olive green along with dark plumage color to the tips of the wings and tail.Uguisu tail is relatively long in relation to their body size and consists of straight feathers , and it is similar in appearance to long tailed tits with which the Uguisu are believed to be closely attached.Like other species of small bird, the Uguisu also has thin legs , toes with long claws to help stick to branches more easily.The Uguisu has small dark eyes with light strips on top of each, and straight tan coloured beak.

Distribution and Habitat of Uguisu

The Uguisu commonly stays across Japan , where it is found throughout the year , along with some parts of northern Philippines.The Uguisu is also found in southern Russia, China and Korea, and in countries like Taiwan on seasonal.The Uguisu tends to be found in the mountainous regions in the different heights and is known to come down the mountains during winter season.The Uguisu is found in seasonal forests and bamboo thickets , where a lot of leaves are available to hide, along with a wide range of foods.

Behavior and lifestyle of Uguisu

As similar to Nightingales ,the Uguisu is a solitary bird and they gather during the breeding season.The Uguisu is pretty quiet during the winter months making low chirping noise in the bare trees , but in early spring they try to attract a mate by singing.Due to its highly hiding nature ,it is normally not seen rather than heard because they spend most of the day hours hiding in deep shadows of surrounding foliage.In some parts, the Uguisu are migratory birds flying different countries with the change of seasons.This is commonly used to protect themselves from cold mountain winters , especially in the large Japanese island of Hokkaido in the north direction.

Reproduction and Life Cycles of Uguisu

In the early spring season the breeding begins when the males are broken into beautiful song in order to try to attract a female to mate. As Nightingales , males and females are quite similar in appearance although the female are slightly smaller in size.The Uguisu female builds a cup-shaped nest in a dense branches,where it gives up to 5 small eggs.The female sits on eggs to keep hot and protect them from 2 to 3 weeks , when the chicks hatch.Uguisu Chicks are fed and taken care by their mother until they leave the nest about 2 weeks old.The Uguisu tend to live between 2 and 5 years in the wild .

Diet and Prey of Uguisu

The Uguisu feeds on a variety of plants and animals as it is omnivore in nature.Like other warblers and nightingales , the Uguisu has a predominantly diet consisting of  flies, worms , beetles , moths and grasshoppers.The Uguisu also eats fruits and berries to supplement their diet.The need for food is one of the reasons why the Uguisu migrate its natural environment.During the winter months , Uguisu faces difficulties to find food in these conditions without compromise.Moving to the lowlands , there is a greater likelihood that food will not be so scarce.

Attackers and Threats of Uguisu

The sound of this bird can be heard through the mountain forests of the Far East.Although it's easy to hear the sound but difficult for predators to detect among the foliage.There are a number of animals that catches Uguisu such as cats and dogs as well as snakes , lizards and birds of prey. Uguisu are also threatened by people who are declining natural forests to make way for the growth of cities , which means that the Uguisu has lost much of its natural range.

Special Facts and Features of Uguisu

The beautiful song of this bird is believed to not only be concerned with finding a partner ,but also is believed to be a declaration of territory to other individuals in the area.The Uguisu droppings (called guano ) are now used as a product in certain facial creams , as it will make skin smoother and more radiant Apparently , it is believed that this peculiar choice of moisturizer that has been used by geishas and Kabuki actors in Japan for centuries , and is now sold as a business elements.The Uguisu is seen as a sign of coming spring in Japan , so it is popular for other names, such as spring bird and Hanami bird.

Relationship of Uguisu with humans

Due to it's Japan habitat, the Uguisu has been represented in art and poetry for the beauty of its song.Also it is kept as cage birds which is very sad for this bird to live.As a use of guano in skin product it is kept to be transferred all around the world.Growing human settlement and land clearance for logging and agriculture , and increasing pollution levels are leading to decline the population of Uguisu.

Status and Life Today of  Uguisu

It has been included in the IUCN Red List as an animal of Least Concern and therefore is not under imminent threat as a species in its natural environment.This is because it is available in a number of countries at different altitudes and habitats.Population figures in certain areas are also stable , but are declining in others , mainly due to deforestation. At present it is cultivated in Japan , so their droppings can be collected and used as a composition of facial creams.

Facts and Features of Tapir

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Tapiridae
Genre: Tapirus
Scientific name: Tapirus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 98-150cm (39-59in)
Weight: 152-300kg (330-700 £)
Maximum speed: 49 km / h (30 mph)
Duration of Life: 19-25 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Preservation status: Endangered
Color: White, Black, Brown, Grey
Skin : Hair
Favorite food: Leaves
Habitat: lowland, wet forests
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: leaves, grass, buds, branches
Attackers: humans, wild cats, Crocodile
Distinct Features: long, flexible snout and hump on the shoulders

The tapir being a large mammal and having pig like appearance, is believed to be closely attached to horses and rhinos.The tapir is found in high temperature Southern Hemisphere areas consisting of wet and large dense wood lands.Today there are four known species, all of which are classified as endangered and they are Baird's Tapir ,found in Central America and northern South America.It can be found out by the info that this species of tapir face has a cream coloured layer.The Malayan Tapir ( also known as the Asian tapir ) is the known as largest species of all and consists of white band across his body. 

In the recent pasts they were found in the tropical forests of South-East Asia, but today due to loss of habitat they are found in a quite small range.The mountain tapir is the smallest of all species and (as the name directs ),it is found in mountainous regions instead of  lowland forests.The mountain tapir inhabits in high forests of Andes mountains throughout Colombia ,Ecuador and some parts of northern Peru.The Brazilian tapir ( also popular as the South American tapir ) is known to be a awesome swimmer and is usually found near water in the Amazon rainforest .

The tapir is a herbivore and passes time for food to eat.It takes leaves,twigs,branches,buds,shoots,berries, fruits and watery plants.The tapir has very few predators due to it's large size,but is known to be eaten by wild cats such as tigers, jaguars and cougars along with large reptiles such as crocodiles and even some odd snake . The man is thought to be the most common danger for tapir as they are hunted for food and also lives as domesticated animals.

Tapirs have a long and flexible nose (similar to an elephant's trunk ,but no way near as large).The tapir uses it prehensile snout to gather leaves and branches of bushes and low trees.Instead of their sturdy build , tapirs are known to be great swimmers and spend most of their time near the water, to cool down.Tapirs are also known to dive into shallow water in order to take lush aquatic plants .

Tapirs mate during the coldest months of April and May.After a gestation period of more than a year ,the female gives birth to one baby.When a baby is first born ,weigh about 10 kg and in comparison to adult tapirs ,the baby tapir has stripy coat.Tapirs women are thought to breed every alternate year and when the babies are around 2-3 years old they leave their mother.

Today, all four species of tapir are considered endangered.The main reasons behind this are deforestation and loss of habitat ,hunting by humans.Tapirs are hunted for food and skin.Tapirs are solitary animals with the exception of the mating season and the tapir mother feeds baby tapir.Due to the shy nature, little interaction occurs between man and wild tapirs (besides hunters).However , tapirs are known to protect themselves with their powerful jaws and rarely it attacks to humans.It causes a major damage by biting others!

Facts and Features of Switzerland's Saint Bernard

Name: Saint Bernard
Origin: Switzerland
Size in Length: 103cm (40 inches)
Weight: 92 kg (200 lbs)
Life Period: 10 years
Group: Mastiff

St. Bernards are gentle,very friendly and generally likes childrens.It is very similar to the English Mastiff, as it was used to rebuild the breed when it was nearer to vanish after Second World War.

This breed is extremely loyal and always want to please it's owner,but due to size,it is important that proper training and social activities begin early in life,while the dog is still a manageable size.An unruled St Bernard creates problem even if for a strong adult so precautions need to be taken from the initial stage.

St. Bernard barks at strangers and their size makes them to be a good deterrents against most intruders despite its aggressiveness as guard dogs rarely equals breeds designed for this purpose.
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