Neanderthal Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: ChordataClass: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genre: Homo
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
Type: Mammals
Diet: Omnivorous
Size: 152-167cm (60-66in)
Weight: 60-70kg (132-152 pounds)
Maximum speed: 8 km / h (5 mph)
Life: 35-50 years
Lifestyle: Group
Preservation Status: Extinct
Color: Brown, Tan, Black, White, Olive
Skin: soft
Favorite Food: Vegetables
Habitat: Home near rivers all over the world
Average Litter Size: 1
Diets: Vegetables, fruits, fish
Attackers: bears, lion, tiger
Special Features: walks on two feet and good communication skills
The Neanderthal is an old world, modern primate and today this traits has no survival. It is believed that the Neanderthals roamed the lands of Asia and Europe for about 100,000 years.These traits are no longer visible to be in humans, the last known being 24,000 years ago in Portugal. However, regular and widely research has demonstrated the similarities between Neanderthal and humans.
Neanderthal cranial capacity was much larger than modern humans, judging by the size of the skulls found in the Neanderthal era. This indicates that the Neanderthal had a larger brain. The Neanderthal is known to be smaller than today's people and only came about 40 years at most.
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