Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Sphyrnidae
Genus: Sphyrna
Scientific Name: Sphyrna Zygaena
Type: Fish
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 3.5 to 6 meters (20 ft 11.5)
Weight: 230-450kg (500 pounds 1,000)
Maximum speed: 40 kmh (25 mph)
Life: 20-25 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Threatened
Color: Grey, Brown, White
Skin type: soft
Favorite food: Fish
Habitat: Warm waters and continental shelves
Litter Size Average: 26
Main Prey: fish, squid, octopus
Predators: Tiger Shark, Great White Shark, Killer Whale
Special Features: Wide, flat head and large eyes
Hammerhead sharks are named due to their flat heads. Hammerhead sharks are large carnivorous fish that feed on large fish and occasionally hammerhead sharks hunt small aquatic mammals.These sharks are found in the warmer waters of oceans worldwide but hammerhead sharks are mostly found in coastal waters and along continental shelves. The shallow waters that allow hammerhead sharks to hunt prey more easily .
There are 9 species of shark worldwide , ranging from 3 feet to 20 feet long! Hammerhead sharks do not commonly known to attack humans, but can be aggressive if a human comes into contact.
The flat head shaped hammerhead is thought to allow to detect prey more easily , increasing the sensitivity of Hammerhead to sonar activity . Hammerheads is believed that the use of sound waves detection in a manner similar to the five main senses , so its like the hammerhead shark has a sixth sense .
The head of hammerheads has two projections on either side of the face of the hammerhead , which gives the shark head shape that resembles a hammer in an almost rectangular . The eyes and nose of hammerheads are on the ends of the hammer that allows the shark to get a better look and smell of the surrounding waters.
Like other species of shark, hammerhead shark is a solitary hunter at night , but during the daytime hammerhead sharks are known to form groups up to 100 individuals of hammerhead Sharks .During the summer months they are found in larger groups when hammerhead sharks are roaming together in search of cooler waters .
The great hammerhead shark is the largest species of hammerhead shark and few species of hammerhead shark that is dangerous to human beings. This is due to the large size of the great hammerhead and also because the hammerhead is known to have an aggressive temperament . Other hammerhead species tend to have little or no danger to humans,as these shark species are generally much smaller than the great hammerhead and are a bit quiet in nature.
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