Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Nestoridae
Genre: Strigops
Scientific Name: Strigops habroptilus
Type: Bird
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 50-60cm (19.7-24in)
Weight: 2-4kg (4,5-9 pounds)
Life: 50-65 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Preservation Status: Endangered
Color: Green, Brown
Skin Type: Feathers
Favourite food: Rimu fruit
Habitat: Areas of natural vegetation and the dense jungle
Average Litter Size: 2
Main Prey: Rimu fruit, flowers, roots, seeds
Predators: Humans, Cats, Stouts,rats
Distinguishing features: large body size and can not fly
The kakapo is one of the largest species of parrot in the world with the average adult kakapo grows to about 60 cm tall. The kakapo is the heaviest parrot species and due to this weight the kakapo is one of the few species of birds that can not fly.
The kakapo is found in the forests of New Zealand and not found anywhere else in the world .It is believed that once thrived in New Zealand habitat due to the fact that there were no mammals that hunt the kakapo , and this is thought to be another reason why the kakapo has evolved into a bird relying on ground.
Like many other species of animals found in the islands of New Zealand , the kakapo was of great importance to members of the local tribes and the kakapo appears in many tales and local folklore .The local people kill the kakapo for their meat and feathers use to make clothes .
Due to the fact that the insecured kakapo was hunted by native and introduced predators such as cats , rats stout by European settlers , the kakapo population has been almost wiped out under 150 believed to have been in early part of 2009 .The kakapo is now regarded as one of the critically endangered animal species on the earth.
The kakapo has short wings for its size and because it can not fly, the wings are used to help balance and for support when hopping around trees. The kakapo also uses its wings to help break its fall when the kakapo jumps to ground from the lower branches of the trees.
As with all other species of parrot, the kakapo has large scaly feet with two toes forward and two toes facing backwards. This helps the kakapo to capture tree branches when the kakapo is perching on them and together with the long, sharp claws of kakapo , kakapo assists in climbing trees .
The kakapo has a primarily herbivorous diet , eating seeds , nuts, fruits , berries and flowers. However, the kakapo is classified as an omnivore as the kakapo is known to eat insects and small reptiles from time to time . The kakapo is particularly fond of the fruit of the rimu tree and kakapo are known to feed exclusively on rimu fruit when they are in abundance.
The kakapo has large brown eyes and it is because of their big eyes that the kakapo is known as the owl parrot often. The shape of the head and beak of the Kakapo also redirects to the reason why the kakapo parrot is known as the owl.
During the mating season , male kakapo are often looking for a female partner and attract one using loud screams and elaborate signs . The Kakapo only breed in years when there is an abundant supply of food, so the kakapo breeding process can be slow. Kakapo breed later in life than most birds , the kakapo male reaches sexual maturity around 5 years and the kakapo woman may be almost 10 years before they can reproduce.
Kakapo tend to live very long lives with the average individual kakapo reach around 60. However, it is not uncommon for kakapo become much older and many individuals kakapo goes almost 100 years old .
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