Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Pitheciidae
Genre: Cacajao
Scientific Name: Cacajao
Common name: Uakari
Group: Mammal
Number of species: 4
Location: Amazon River Basin
Habitat: Part-flooded forest
Color: Red, Brown, White, Black
Skin :Fur
Size (L): 38cm - 57cm (15 inches - 22.5in)
Weight: 3 kg - 3.5 kg (6.5 pounds - 7.75lbs)
Diet: Omnivore
Prey: fruit, leaves, insects
Attackers: hawks, snakes, Human
Lifestyle: Daytime
Group Behavior: Troop
Life: 16 - 22 years
Age of sexual maturity: 3 - 6 years
Gestation period: Unknown
Average Litter Size: 1
Young Name: Infant
Weaning age: 3 - 5 months
Preservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population: Unknown
Major Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Special feature: the hairless face and forehead
Funny Fact: Have a very short tail for it's size!
Classification and evolution of South American Uakari Facts
The Uakari is a species of monkey, survives in tropical rainforests of South America, where they tend to be found in the moisture added forest that is near the water.The Uakari is best known for it's naked face that most often ranges from pink to dark red in colouration.There are four different species of Uakari,which are red (Calvo) Uakari, the Black-Headed Uakari ,Ayres Black Uakari and Neblina Uakari, all of which are very similar in appearance but differ somewhat in color and skin .The Uakari name is actually pronounced "wakari",common name and scientific name of this monkey believed to be derived from the indigenous languages.
Anatomy and appearance of South American Uakari Facts
The Uakari is a small-size primate growing to an average length of 45 cm and a weight of about 3 kg. Uakari tail is very short in relation to their body size, and in particular small compared with other species of monkeys of South America.depending on the species, skin covering the body of Uakari is long and thick and tends to vary in color, red, brown, to black, to white. The Uakari hairless face is its most distinctive, and can be bright red in some of them (though generally varies from pink to red, and may be pale or black in some species).It's hands and feet are strong and agile with opposable thumbs that allow Uakari stick to fruits and tree branches.
Distribution and Habitat
The Uakari is found in tropical forest of Amazon River basin in Brazil and Peru, and in some parts of south Colombia.Separate species tend to be easier to be characterized by different locations, and this is also true for the sub-species of Bald Uakari .The White Uakari lives in northwest of Brazil, the golden Uakari on the border of Brazil and Peru, the red Uakari on the border of Brazil and Colombia, with Pale-Backed red Uakari lives in little further east.The Uakari usually found in the forests that fringe freshwater sources such as rivers, streams and lakes. They like Partial flooded forest that is flooded permanently or seasonally, however, forest areas bordering the major rivers.
Behavior and lifestyle of South American Uakari Facts
Unlike many other species of monkeys, the Uakari not use short tail to hang from the trees or to help jump, but still useful for balance. They spend much of their highest point in the canopy and jump from tree to tree using only their arms and strong legs. Like many primates however, the Uakari known to walk on all four limbs of his rare trips to the forest floor. The Uakari live in troops in jungle environment that usually contain between 10 and 30 members (although they can be up to 100 strong), which are males, females and their young. Although they spend much of their time together in the trees, in regard to the search for food, the troops Uakari divided into smaller groups to feed.
Reproduction and Life Cycles of South American Uakari Facts
The Uakari tends to breed between the months of October and May , when the women leaves attractive smell to attract a male.Once it is done, the Uakari female gives birth to a single baby after a gestation period which is still unknown ,but may do so every two years.Baby Uakari are incredibly small and vulnerable at birth ,clinging to his mother during the early months and feeding on milk.They are weaned at an age of around four months when they begin to forage with the troop of soft fruits and seed pods .The Uakari tend to live for 20 years, but the rates of population growth are not particularly faster due to the females inbreeding capacity until three years of age, and males at six.
Diet and Prey of South American Uakari Facts
The Uakari has an omnivorous diet and therefore takes a collection of both plants and small animals.Despite this, the Uakari eats mainly fruit along with the leaves and insects for it's diet . The Uakari get most of their food from the top of canopy, but feed on the forest floor for seeds , roots and lizards when food is scarce in the trees. Because for it's predominantly a fruit-based diet ,the Uakari plays a vital role in native ecosystem by spreading seeds around the forest .
Predators and Threats of South American Uakari Facts
Living on top of the forest canopy, and occupy these areas sometimes very large groups , the Uakari has few predators with the highest threat of Birds Of Prey .Other species that live in trees, such as large snakes and monkeys also take advantage of the Uakari and more particularly ,to their young ones. Humans are , however the greatest threat of Uakari as they have been hunted for food.The jungle habitat of Uakari is also under threat due to large levels of logging for timber industry over the Amazon.
Interesting Facts and Features of South American Uakari Facts
Despite not having a very long tail to cling to the branches with Uakari strong hind legs enable them to be able to jump amazing distances .Jumping on his hind legs between branches , the Uakari can jump up to 20 meters from tree to tree .The color and naked face of Uakari is ,by far his most distinctive feature , but the exact reason for this bright color is not till being found out.Theories range from mating reasons to be able to detect each other, but one thing is certain , it is that sick individuals face becomes pale and so the skin color actually acts as an indication of the health.The faces of the Uakari in captivity ,are also markedly paler than they would have been in wild.
Relationship of South American Uakari with humans
While native tribes have inhabited the jungles of the Amazon basin, people and Uakari know each other quite well .Until recently, the Uakari was seen by many people as a stable source of food, and have been regularly hunted by them primarily with poison-tipped darts.Also many of them were captured by local people to be kept as pets or even sold.The Uakari now also under threat from humans ,especially deforestation whether for business or expanding human settlements.Huge of the Amazon parts are being cleared daily ,which means that many of the native species (and people) will lose their homes .
Status and Life Today of South American Uakari Facts
Today, despite Uakari different species are classified by IUCN somewhat differently , is generally considered vulnerable animals in their natural environment .Indigenous hunting and loss of habitat are believed to be the two main reasons for the population figures in steady decline and is now found in small, isolated pockets of their natural habitats .
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