Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Dermaptera
Common Name: Earwig
Scientific Name: Dermaptera
Found: Worldwide
Diet: Omnivore
Size (L): 1 cm - 3 cm (0.4in - 1.2in)
Weight: 2 g - 5 g (0.07 oz - 0.1 oz)
Number of species: 1800
Average life period: 1 - 3 years
Preservation Status: Least Concern
Color: Black. Brown, Yellow, Tan
Skin type: Shell
Favorite Diet: Plants
Habitat: Grass and forest
Litter Size : 50
Main Prey: plants, flowers, insects
Predators: frogs, birds, beetles
Special features:Sharp Pincers and delicate wings
Earwig is a small insect found worldwide.There are about 2,000 different species of earwig found in the America,Australia and Eurasian continent.Earwig has a small body size, which is divided into three parts in a similar manner to many other species of insects.The earwig has sharp forceps in abdomen and large wings that usually remain hidden against the body of the earwig.Although earwigs are capable of flight,often don't do it.
Earwigs are nocturnal,they often hide in small ,moist crevices during the day and are active at night.Damage to foliage,flowers and various crops is usually done by earwigs but also eat some insects that harm them.
The earwig is thought to get its name from people who fear that earwigs got in his ear to lay their eggs. Although this is not the only purpose of the earwig,although they like tight and warm spaces such as the ear canal.
The earwig is an omnivorous animal which means that they will eat everything.Earwigs spend most of their time feeding on a variety of insects and plants, including flowers, fruits and leaves.
Because of their small size, earwigs have a number of natural predators wherever they live in the world. Amphibians such as frogs ,newts and frogs are most common predator,along with the birds and other larger insects such as beetles.
Earwigs females lay up to 80 small eggs that hatch within a few weeks.Female earwigs are known to be very protective of their young ,often looking over them until they have reached their second molt ( earwigs molt 5 times throughout his life ).
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