Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Cricetidae
Genre: Mesocricetus
Scientific Name: Mesocricetus auratus
Type: Mammals
Diet: Omnivorous
Length:6-28cm (2-11in)
Weight: 100-900g (3.5-32 oz)
Maximum speed: 6 km / h (4 mph)
Life Period: 2-3 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Preservation Status: Least Concern
Color: Tan,Brown,White,Black
Skin Type:Fur
Favorite food: Seeds
Habitat:Dry deserts and sand dunes
Average litter size: 8
Prey also:nuts, berries,fruits
Attackers: owl, hawk, Serpientes
Different Features:food storage bags and the ability to run back towards
Hamsters are thought to originate from the desert lands of East Asia,including hamster species such as the common Syrian hamster and the miniature Russian dwarf hamster.Hamsters spend most of their time digging and foraging for food.Today,hamsters are commonly kept as pets with average domestic hamsters about 2 or 3 years old.Hamsters are thought to be easy pets to keep for kids because of hamsters quite nature,small size and calm temperament .
Hamsters are solitary animals.Some species of hamster are so solitary that they will fight until death if more than one hamster is in the same territory.Hamsters are nocturnal as hamsters spend the daylight hours in underground burrows to avoid the many predators in the natural environment.The hamster will leave the safety of their underground burrow at night when it is dark and the temperature is cooler in order to get the food.
Hamsters use their large cheek pouches to store food that hamster can get the food to the stash in the underground burrow.Nuts,seeds,vegetables,herbs,fruits and berries are natural diet of the hamsters.
There are over 20 different species of hamster found in nature (and even more in the commercial market for pets).Russian Dwarf hamster are among the smallest species of hamster along with adults rarely grow to more than 10 cm in length.The most common Syrian hamster is the largest species of hamster and few Syrian hamster individuals have been known to grow to about 30 cm in length, although the average size of a Syrian hamster is usually about 20 cm.
Many species of hamsters are very fast in execution,so they are able to escape from attackers.Due to the shape and size of the hind legs of hamster,hamsters are often capable of running backward as fast as it can forward,that allows to easily escape hamsters in their burrows .
Hamsters live in semi -desert regions around the world with the soft soil that gives best material for the hamster to burrow in.The burrow usually consists of many tunnels and chambers including separate areas for the hamster to eat and sleep in.
Foot Facts of Hamster
- The hamster has two front legs that are more like hands and the hamster uses it to maintain and forage for food.
- Hind legs are slightly larger than the front legs and are used to balance and support the hamster while sitting.
- The beautiful hind legs enable hamster to not only run forward but also backward so the hamster can escape easily into burrows.
- Hamster hands are well suited to their purpose as they have five fingers on each hand ,while in the feet have only three.
- Hamsters have soft pads at bottom of paws that help them to run smoothly and long nails on the end of each toe that helps the hamster to grip.
Teeth Facts of Hamster
- As hamsters are rodents ,their teeth are growing all the time so they should grind their teeth down to keep it from becoming too long by gnawing on something hard.
- Hamsters have 16 teeth that grow continuously to give it the advantage while they lose a teeth .
- Unlike many other species animals,the babies are born with a full set of teeth and keep teeth throughout it's life period.
- Hamsters have cheek pouches to store food while out foraging and later empty their pockets so they can eat their stored food.
- A hamster is able to carry own body weight in food in their cheeks and takes then creates secret staches of food to ensure that the hamster is not exhausted.
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