Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Genus: Equus
Scientific name: Equus zebra, Equus quagga, Equus grevyi
Common Name: Zebra
Other name (s): Mountain Zebra, Common Zebra, Zebra, Burchell's Zebra, Zebra Grevys
Group: Mammal
Number of species:3
Location: Eastern and Southern Africa
Habitat: open grasslands and plains
Color: Black, white, brown
Skin Type: Hair
Size (L): 2 m - 2.75 m (6.6 feet - 9 feet)
Weight: 220kg - 405kg (485 pounds - 893 pounds)
Survival Period:20-30 years
Classification and evolution of Zebra
Zebra is a large species of equines and habitats in the grassy plains of sub- Saharan Africa.The Zebra are larger and distinctive wild horses with the pattern of black and white stripes ,the exact placement of which is unique for every individual.There are three species of zebra found in Africa ,which are common zebra ( also known as the plains zebra and Burchell 's zebra ) , Grevy 's zebra (also known as the Imperial Zebra ) and the mountain zebra .They are very social animals that can travel long distances in search of fresh grass and water, but are seriously threatened in most of its natural range due to increasing levels of human activity . Today, both the Grevy's zebra and the mountain zebra are considered endangered species and even the plains zebra is broader and large ,there have been sharp population declines in some areas.
Anatomy and appearance of Zebra
Zebras are heavy animals that are perfectly designed for speed with long slender legs , narrow hooves help them to reach speeds of 40 mph while running .In the same way as horses they have only one toe on each foot walking on tip and is protected by its hard hooves.Its black and white stripes are unique to each individual and help them to identify each other when in the herd . Zebras have long necks and heads that means they can easily get to the grass on the ground and a mane that extends from the front and along the back to the tail.The pattern of stripes varies between species of Grevy 's and mountain zebras having narrower stripes and white underparts ,while the common zebra has wider stripes covering entire body.The Grevy's zebra is not only the largest of the zebra species , but also easily identifiable for it's large and rounded ears .
Distribution and Habitat of Zebra
Zebras are found inhabiting open grasslands and plains of eastern and southern Africa , where they spend most of their time grazing.The plain zebra is the largest and has the largest natural variety throughout East Africa, where they are roaming the grassy plains .The mountain zebra is grazing in mountain meadows of West Africa , while Grevy 's zebra is limited to arid grasslands and sub -desert steppe throughout Ethiopia , Somalia and northern Kenya. Zebras have been developed to run incredibly fast so be able to escape from attackers and depends on the open plains for their survival.Although the plain zebra has been less affected, all three species are having population decline due to loss of natural habitat caused by increasing levels of human activities.
Behavior and lifestyle of Zebra
Zebras are very social animals roaming the savanna in herds to protect themselves from predators.The Grevy's zebra occupies herds more flexible than the other species with a stallion (male ) patrolling huge territories of up to 10 square kilometers, with mares ( females ) and their foals grazing freely and sometimes in small groups feeding together.Both the common zebra and the mountain zebra live in their regions of origin in long-term herds are divided into smaller groups of the family, who are led by a dominant stallion and contain between one and six mares with their foals .Their strong and social relationship can become very affectionate with one another, often grooming each other using their teeth.During mating season , males fight fiercely for the right to breed with the females and do so rearing up on its hind legs while kicking and biting each other .
Reproduction of Zebra
The zebra is a slow growing mammal with women not being able to first breed until they are at least a couple of years old.After a gestation period that can last from 10 months to one year, the female gives birth to a single foal is born with stripes, mane and also has a small patch of hair in middle of tummy.Zebra foals are capable to stand after few minutes of birth ,which is vital to ensure that they are able to run to escape predators.They are able to eating grass after a week and are weaned when they are 11 months old .Young Zebras stay with their mothers until they are mature in about three years when men leave their natal pack to join a bachelor group of all men ,while females remain with their mother.These bachelor groups start to challenge the dominant stallions to try to take over the harem during mating season .
Diet and Prey of Zebra
Zebra is a herbivore which means they only eat plants -matter in order to get the nutrition.Most zebra diet (in fact, around 90% ) is comprised of a wide variety of different herbs with other plant material , including leaves and buds making up the remainder.They use their sharp teeth to bite into the hard ends before grinding herbs up with flat molars along the cheeks.Due to the fact that the grass has little nutritional value , zebras should spend 70-80 % of day in grazing .Common Zebras are often seen drinking at water holes that are made every day, but due to the fact that the Grevy's zebra and the mountain zebra live in the driest regions , often do not drink for several days at a time.In the dry season zebras can travel great distances in search of fresh grass and water wells that have not dried yet,Grevy 's zebra also known to dig in the soil of dry river bed to find groundwater .
Predators of Zebra
Zebra is a large and powerful animal that although being herbivores can easily exceed many of their attackers.Zebras are prey to lions,leopards,hyenas and African wild dogs, along with many other large carnivores like crocodiles when crossing rivers or drinking.While their first instinct is to run, zebras are sometimes known to attack the animal that threatens to kick and bite.However,when it senses danger, zebras notify each other of the threat and escape predators as a tight flock ,often confused or simply intimidate any attacker.The greatest threat to the populations of zebra, though remaining in Africa is the increasing invasion of their natural habitat for people,with the loss of their plains for cattle grazing and to clear land for agriculture.
Facts and Features of Zebra
The zebra stripes are still a mystery to science light even today as they were once thought to blend in natural light and shadow in environment to confuse predators as once running as a herd it is extremely difficult to stay focused on a single animal .The formation of stripes on its rear end is different among the three species of common zebras with horizontal stripes on their hind legs while other two have upward.These patterns at their rear ends are believed so that different members of the same pack are able to easily identify the individual in front of pack while running.As with other male horses ,zebra stallions are known to curl their upper lips until they are believed to increase their sense of smell.This so-called " horse-laugh " is believed to be vital for man to be able to detect when a female is ready to mate .
Relationship of Zebra with humans
Due to free-moving nature and over large distances ,the increasing human presence throughout the world has done that zebras have been affected by the loss of habitat in their natural range .However,one of the most interesting things about zebras people is that ,since they are so closely related to other equines , including horses and donkeys , zebras have truly able to bring with them to produce a foal hybrid , known as Zonkey ( zebras and donkeys ) or as a Zorse ( zebras and horses) .Although it is not believed that the two species will naturally be able to mate in nature due to geographic differences , a number of individuals and therefore Zonkey and Zorse now exists worldwide .Zebras are believed to have a natural protection to certain parasites which has led people to breed horses and donkeys with zebras to produce an animal that has the character and the size of a horse or donkey,but with the power and capacity recovery of a zebra .But Zonkeys and Zorses are infertile and therefore are unable to reproduce .
Life Today of Zebra
Today, two of the three species are listed by IUCN as animals that are endangered and therefore endangered in their natural habitats in the future.Grevy 's zebra and the mountain zebra are found in isolated regions and their numbers continue to fall for their natural ranges .The plain zebra is an animal that is listed as being of least concern for extinction in nature and although they are still widely spread around and the numbers appear to be good ,as the other species are threatened by loss of habitat to much of its natural range .
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